London to Lugano by train

Train number 1 down #appbuilders19

33 minutes later: Train 2 was the @northernline. Always impressed by every ~1 min service (on a Sunday morning). #appbuilders19

31 minutes later: Train 3: London to Paris. Actually feel like I’m going somewhere now. #appbuilders19

3 hours later: That was my first time in Paris. It was raining, so not quite the perfect city. Now on train 4 to Strasbourg. #appbuilders19

2 hours later: Train 5: Strasbourg to Basel. 1h behind schedule but should still get to Lugano today #appbuilders19

3 hours later: Done with train 6 of 7: Basel to Zürich. Yeah now I know the total number. #appbuilders19

48 minutes later: This is it: train 7 from Zürich to Lugano. As soon as I board, it seems everyone is speaking Italian on the phone. #appbuilders19

1 hour later: Bonus train for @RFNPodcast Retroactive ☢️