John Gruber on Michael Gartenberg on the iPad’s Early Success

Michael Gartenberg:

The reason Apple was successful was they optimized for the form factor.

John Gruber:

I’ve been wondering whether Google’s answer for tablets is going to be Android or Chrome OS.

Chrome OS is interesting. The original concept was designed for 'traditional' computers which is what most of the web is optimised for.

Phones seem need a full operating system (not just the web) in order to run optimised native apps as there currently are not enough small screen optimised web apps and websites.

I hear the iPad web browser is pretty good for websites optimised for desktop computers. To find out if the Chrome OS web only concept would work on a tablet, open Safari on an iPad then cover up the home button. Maybe going to Settings is allowed but no native apps. Do this for several days.

(I don't have an iPad so I can't run this experiment myself. Pre-orders start this Monday.)

My guess is that you will miss the native apps. The benefits of Chrome OS (simplicity, stability) are already there in the iPhone OS.