Time Capsule update could cache software updates, sync with iCloud

by Chris Foresman at Ars Technica

This could be ridiculously awesome. I’ve been contemplating the potential of the Time Capsule for some time.

System update caching is dull, but extremely practical and should save a lot of time. At home our internet connection is very slow, and we have to download Mac OS X and iOS updates three times each. This takes many hours.

Making the Time Capsule more of a personal server and integrating it with an “upcoming cloud services offering”: that’s exciting. For me, my Time Capsule is a much better server than anything in North Carolina. Most of the time, my iPhone and Mac are on its network, so data transfers are as fast as possible and there can be no bandwidth fees or limitations.

(I should note that the Time Capsule provides only storage, not remote processing power.)

Originally reported by 9 to 5 Mac.