Paul Thurrott: ‘Understanding iPad’

[iPad] is a premium computing experience, albeit a (deliberately) limited one. It doesn’t do many things badly, it does some things very well.

He ‘gets it’ to some extent. Fortunately the things the iPad does well are the most important things to me. Mostly this is consumption.

There seems to be an attitude of contempt when saying how the iPad is ‘only for consumption’ particularly in Paul Thurott’s article. I think most of what most people do with their computers is consumption. This does not seem particularly bad to me. That is just the way things are.

What about me? I try hard to make sure I am engaged with what I read: sending thoughts into Simplenote and sometimes to Tumblr. I do all this on my iPhone and it works alright. I am not producing a lot of content but that's fine.