Old Article: John Gruber’s iPhone 4 Review

This is very late but I have comments on two bits from John Gruber’s iPhone 4 Review at Daring Fireball.

First, where he quotes his iPhone 3G review:

Apple sometimes seems to be the lone consumer electronics company that pays any attention at all to the tactile response of buttons.

Nintendo pays a lot of attention. Probably the other games console producers as well but Nintendo definitely does. I dislike using anything but a Nintendo designed d-pad (the ‘+’ shaped thing).

Also, regarding FaceTime and its audio quality:

The difference is so stark that it makes me wish FaceTime could kick in for audio-only calls between FaceTime-capable phones.

I wish that too. It makes sense to use the wireless communications system with the highest capacity and lowest power consumption: not financial sense for mobile network operators, but all other types of sense.

Any why just FaceTime-capable devices. I can not see any reason why iPhone 3G and 3GS should not make audio calls over WiFi when possible. I mean calls from the standard Phone app; Skype does this already, of course.

Please Apple, we’d love to distance ourselves from mobile phone carriers wherever possible.

See Gruber’s FaceTime and the iPod Touch piece for more on the future of communications.